Heavy Industries

Heavy manufacturing industry in Africa is one of the most important sectors in terms of value added, exports and employment. It is also one of the few areas where there are large companies with immediate opportunity for dramatic expansion.

Growth in this sector, therefore, offers huge potential for providing broad economic growth, reducing unemployment, increasing tax receipts and improving any countries balance of payments situation.

Heavy industries often sell their products to other industries rather than to end users and consumers. In other words, they usually make products that are used to make other products. Accordingly, when a down economy begins to recover, heavy industry is often first to show signs of improvement. This makes the sector a leading economic indicator.

We have team of owner engineers and project financing specialists that have the range of skills necessary to undertake the complete range of engineering studies for heavy industries. We provide the most efficient feedback, insight and recommendations throughout the process.

We advise along the following core areas.
Steel Industries in Africa
Mineral Resource Based Industries

These area of Heavy Manufacturing are those that require resource based materials to produce. They include Metal and metal products such as Ferroalloy manganese (an alloy of manganese and iron). It also includes non-metal construction materials such as Beneficiation of Limestone (Cement), Iron-Oore (Steel), Bauxite (Aluminum) etc

Fertilizer Production
Energy Based Industries

The energy based heavy manufacturing sector are mainly the use of Oil and Gas hydrocarbon as input in such production. These include Fertilizer Plants, Gas Commercialization, Modular Refineries to be refined into useful products, such as gasoline, kerosene, diesel oil, jet fuel, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), heating oils, and feedstock for the chemical industry.

Machine Building Industries
Downstream Machine-building Industries

These include Machine Tool industry, Heavy Electrical Industry, Shipbuilding, Industrial machinery and Auto-industry . This also includes the production of a number of other steel and industrial products, particularly train parts, steel wire and airplane parts.

Core Service Offering for Heavy Manufacturing Industries

Typical Heavy Industries Project Characteristics 
The type of  Industry-based Heavy Industries Projects we advise or help accelerate should typically meet the following objectives
Brickstone Bankability Model Projects that are characterized by a high degree of revenues predictability under a (partial or full) Contracted Revenue Arrangement with a creditworthy counterparty 
Brickstone Bankability Model Projects which deliver under a fixed construction price and schedule with a Building (or EPC) Contractor with clear strategies for Optimal Operations during Post-Construction
Brickstone Bankability ModelProjects that intend to independently with strong Governance Systems operate in an environmentally sustainable manner from development stage to post-construction phase

Brickstone would ONLY be interested in projects that meet at least No1 and either No 2 and/or No 3

Brickstone organizes Infrapreneurial Courses in Partnership with TheAfricanCatalystfor Project Owners/Sponsors in Heavy Industries

Bespoke Solutions for Early-Stage Investment Readiness

Why not contact us to make your Project Happen

Our advisors and consultants would be able to schedule an online meeting with you to discuss your project with the overall objective of seeking ways to achieve the “bankability” and protection of the long term asset value of your project.

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