Industrial based Agriculture

Our Industrial based Agriculture Practice includes the infrastructure and also machinery required for agri-value chains from the farm gate, along the agribusiness supply chain, to the end processors. Our professionals have extensive experience in assisting participants — from stakeholders of small to medium domestic agribusinesses to large multinational organizations — to address financing needs for inputs, processing and infrastructure

We understand the drivers that impact the industry from the farm gate, along the supply chain, to the end processors
Industrial based Agriculture
Agriculture Inputs

Agricultural inputs are defined as products permitted for use in organic farming. These include Feedstuffs, Fertilizers and Permitted plant protection products . Our Agriculture Inputs Financing programs focuses on farms above 100 Ha.

Agriculture Processing

Processing of outputs adds value to agriculture and animal products by packing and preserving of farm produce so that products could be exported. These include Oil Palm Processing, Milling Plants and Agro-Processing

Agriculture Infrastructure

Our Agricultural Infrastructure objective is to provide resources for increasing farmers’ incomes using farm enabling infrastructure such as Agro Storage, Processing, Irrigation and Power

Core Service Offering for Industrial based Agriculture

Watch our Video on Industrial Agriculture
Read our Thought Leadership Articles
Typical Industrial based Agriculture Project Characteristics 
The type of  Industry-based Agriculture Projects we advise or help accelerate should typically meet the following objectives
Brickstone Bankability Model Projects that are characterized by a high degree of revenues predictability under a (partial or full) Contracted Revenue Arrangement with a creditworthy counterparty 
Brickstone Bankability Model Projects which deliver under a fixed construction price and schedule with a Building (or EPC) Contractor with clear strategies for Optimal Operations during Post-Construction
Brickstone Bankability ModelProjects that intend to independently with strong Governance Systems operate in an environmentally sustainable manner from development stage to post-construction phase

Brickstone would ONLY be interested in projects that meet at least No1 and either No 2 and/or No 3

Brickstone organizes Infrapreneurial Courses in Partnership with TheAfricanCatalyst for Project Owners/Sponsors in Industrial Agriculture

Bespoke Solutions for Early-stage Investment Readiness

Why not contact us to make your Project Happen

Our advisors and consultants would be able to schedule an online meeting with you to discuss your project with the overall objective of seeking ways to achieve the “bankability” and protection of the long term asset value of your project.

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