Project Info
Project Description
Highest and Best-Use Analysis includes finding the reasonable, probable and legal use of a property or asset, which is physically possible, appropriately supported, financially feasible, and that results in the highest value.
Highest and Best-Use Analysis: Project Description
The objective of this study was to prepare a highest and best use analysis for the identified properties to determine their viability and optimal use. AG Leventis Group (“The Client”) desired that a number of their properties be analyzed for optimal returns
Highest and Best-Use Analysis: Actions Taken
In performing our work, to provide further Analysis for the Highest and Best-Use Analysis for the subject property, Brickstone completed the following tasks:
• Reviewed previous market studies for the site and community input.
• Reviewed property information from public sources
• Inspected the subject site and surrounding areas.
• Researched allowable types and densities of uses allowed on the property (or potentially achievable through the planning and zoning process).
• Evaluated physically possible development on the property, based on conceptual plans prepared the client
• Collected market data and evaluated market conditions for a variety of viable land uses.
• Surveyed representative comparable properties.
• Reviewed Town-planning documents and resources related to the subject site and the surrounding area.
• Brickstone suggested the Highest and Best-Use for each of the assets, advising AG Leventis on the best use for the properties putting into consideration the allowable types and densities of the properties and the areas they are located.