Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage

Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation include weeks of online workshops, group founder coaching, community masterminds, plus an internal Infra startup showcase.

Step 1:  Getting into Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage

In other to get to the The Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage there is need for training and capacity building programme that  provides  a solid grasp of basic project finance awareness in order to agree with other project stakeholders and appreciate project finance principles that affect the value of their large scale projects – Early Stage Investment Readiness Programme (ESIRP)

The Early Stage Investment Readiness Programme (ESIRP), is focused on building the frameworks for Project Bankability.

  • The ESIR Program aims to equip sponsors and investors with the tools to understand project development and financing life cycles. The courses are designed to assist sponsors to develop an understanding of the importance of linking financial, commercial and planning issues in developing large infrastructure projects. Below are the core programmes available for participants which is Developing and Financing Infrastructure Projects


Upon completion of ESIR the students make an Expression of Interest to join BR InfraLAB Foundation attached with their submitted their Capstone Reports (1) Project Bankability Plan (2) Project Finance Roadmap.


Step 2:  Activities during the Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage

Successful candidates would participate in a 4 week class with the following objectives during the Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage

Week 1

Program Orientation & Cohort Speed Networking

Kick-Off Week provides an opportunity to get to know the other companies in your cohort, listen to highly pragmatic and impactful presentations from the Brickstone, and do a deep dive into participants projects.

Week 2

ESG Compliance Planning 

Participants would be engaged and introduced to the Industry standards and guidelines which are often the foundation for investors’ ESG management systems in infrastructure investing.

A plan would be designed on how their project can comply with ESG and Climate Requirements

Week 3

Technical Appraisal

To determine the suitability of the technology selected and the adequacy of the technical investigation, and design plan for the proposed infrastructure project.

A Pre-Construction Roadmap to be developed 

Week 4

Preliminary Financial Appraisal 

To determine the accuracy of cost estimates, suitability of the envisaged pattern of financing and general soundness of the capital structure. Preliminary Financial Model of project based on its anticipated Core Counter-Party Contract Arrangements (or Publicity Available Data)

Step 3:  Upon Conclusion of the Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation Stage

Upon Conclusion of the Brickstone InfraLAB Foundation, qualified Cohort would be required to attend Brickstone InfraLAB Matchroom

Brickstone InfraLAB Matchroom is an matchmaking initiative design for Infrapreneurs seeking Development Partners that a crucial to their project development and reduces Sponsors risk.

Have a question? Book a Brickstone InfraLAB Programme Discovery Call with us.


Brickstone InfraLAB Project Case Studies

These are sample Project Case Studies been incubated inside the Brickstone InfraLAB

Let's Talk

Do you have projects that you believe Brickstone Infrastructure Acceleration Programme ( Brickstone InfraLAB”)  is the right partner for you. Please fill this form in order for us to contact 

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Organisation Name (required)

    Phone Number (required)

    Do you own the Project Alone or the Project is a JV with another partner (required)

    What is the estimated Project Size (required)

    Which Area is your Project/Business? (required)

    Real Estate and HospitalityEnergy, Mining & Natural ResourcesPower & RenewablesTransportation/Logistics InfrastructureIndustrial AgricultureHeavy ManufacturingSocial InfrastructureProcess IndustriesOthers

    Project Country (required)

    Current Project Location (required)

    How did you Find us (required)

    How much Time Priority do you intend to give to the programme (required)

    Can you Describe the Project in more detail (Optional)

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