Early Stage Project Advisory is a bespoke proejct service for every infrastructure project developer that needs clear visibility of how the project would be financed or what it would be required for the project to reach financial close. This is not replacement for a feasibility study, business plan or any of that sort but precedes it.
Some so-called bankable projects don’t get financed because most sponsors just rush to develop feasibility reports or use the term bankable feasibility report..instead of fist engaging in Early Stage Project Advisory Report.
Hence in order for the Project Sponsors to understand the requirements for the bankability of a project there is need for a Early Stage Project Advisory process, to highlight the new data and information that would be required obtained, additional analyses and evaluations that are to be are performed as required by the Lenders. The objective of the Early Stage Project Advisory Report is to confirm a number of Critical Issues that would aid financial close and also provide a plan on implementation of these issues.
This report provides the Project Sponsor with all of the pertinent information to ensure the project is bankable so that they can evaluate if the Project is going to operate in the manner that the Project Sponsors wishes they do.
Our offerings include:
The report is developed to provide guidance on the following objectives to ensure bankability using the “Brickstone Bankability Framework”

Early Stage Project Advisory Report enables Project Sponsors at a very early stage to de-risk their project to know the key tasks to achieve bankability.
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