Our Process is a Typical Venture Studio Approach but focused on Large to Medium Scale Projects
One of the most challenging aspects of creating new infrastructure businesses is generating viable, innovative ideas thats can act as Platform Company. Brickstone InfraLAB creates national champions that serve as "Platforms Companies" for regional expansion in specific infrastructure sectors & industries.
Before launching Platform Companies, we conduct thorough research to validate each company’s revenue model, evaluating the feasibility of potential projects. This crucial phase ensures readiness in project preparation and engages specialists to refine project solutions, identify target counterparties, select appropriate channels, and establish project bankability.
Building MVPP
Following validation, Brickstone InfraLAB, through the Platform Company, proceeds to build Minimum Viable Portfolio Projects (MVPPs). Given that New Project Sponsors develop portfolio companies (SPVs) in quick succession, MVPPs are designed in an agile manner to maximize efficiency and resource use. This phase enables flexibility to pivot if needed, with the primary goal of achieving Project-Bankability (PB) fit—the first indicator of a successful MVPP.
Scaling MVPP
Once the MVPPs are operational, the next phase is scaling the Platform Company using the MVPP. Brickstone InfraLAB secures strategic partnerships, utilizes effective communication channels, and engages target stakeholders. This approach aims to foster exponential growth and expansion for the Platform Company.
Achieving Stability
With the Platform Company established, the final phase involves appointing qualified senior leaders to guide the company. Alternatively, we may select a capable team or entrepreneurial leaders to assume independent control of the Platform Company and generate a series of new Portfolio Projects.